


臺東縣卑南鄉富山實驗小學於西元1972年3月奉准獨立設校迄今。位於臺東縣卑南鄉最東側,鄰靠西太平洋,依山面海風景秀麗。學區涵蓋漁場、剌桐、杉原、郡界等農漁村落及加路蘭部落,是純樸的阿美族社區。目前除了富山本校之外,下轄「利吉分校」及「富源分校」(已裁撤,學生由富山校車接送就學)兩所。 本校地理位置緊鄰臺東縣唯一的美麗灣沙灘,學區內有全國知名的生態景點—「臺東縣富山漁業資源保育區」。近年臺東縣政府極力推展觀光,已逐年吸引許多外國人定居或長住在富山國小學區內,因此富山生活圈逐漸形成了人種和文化多元的國際村。在學區內,有多元的人種、語言、族群、食物和生活方式,而富山國小在此環境之下,除了擁有美麗海洋和自然景觀的先天優勢之外,更具有發展國際教育的宏觀企圖,未來藉由學校安排國際教育與英語的課程,期盼培養形塑放眼天下的世界公民。 由於近年來少子化現象以及部落人口外流的衝擊,學生人數面臨逐年下降的困境,而本校體察此一趨勢,已積極規劃轉型成「提供優質的國際教育雙語環境,讓孩子可以專業學習快樂成長」的教育場所,學校重視孩子的基本能力學習,同時也結合在地化特色,重視未來面臨國際化的需求,持續發展「國際教育」為校本課程核心,秉持教育專業思維與行動力,帶動本校永續發展。 本校105學年度開始試辦學校型態的實驗學校,期待為本校開展另一個新的教育經營機會,透過實驗課程型塑富山國小未來精通國際語言與國際素養的國際公民。


Taitung County Beinan Township Fushan Experimental Elementary School was established in March 1972, and is now an independent school. Located in Taitung County Pu Nanxiang the eastern side, adjacent to the West Pacific, mountains and beautiful scenery. School area covers fishing grounds, assassination Tong, Sugihara, county and other agricultural and fishing villages and the Jialu Lan tribe, is a simple Amis community. In addition to Fushan Campus, there are two schools, namely, "Liji Campus" and "Fuyuan Campus" (which have been abolished and students are transferred from Fushan School Bus). The school is located near the only beautiful beach in Taitung County. There are well-known eco-attractions in the school district - "Fushan Fisheries Resource Conservation Area". In recent years, the Taitung Prefectural Government has vigorously promoted tourism, has attracted many foreigners to settle or live in the Fushan Elementary School area, so the Fushan life circle has gradually formed the ethnic and cultural diversity of the international village. In the school district, there are multiple ethnic groups, languages, ethnic groups, food and lifestyle, and Fushan Elementary School in this environment, in addition to the beauty of the sea and the natural landscape of the inherent advantages, the development of international education more macro , The future arrangement of international education and English by the school curriculum, look forward to training and shaping the eyes of the world's citizens. In recent years, due to the low birth rate phenomenon and the impact of the outflow of tribal population, the number of students facing declining year by year plight, and the school to understand this trend, has been actively planning to transform into "providing quality international education bilingual environment, so that children can learn professional cheerful growth" , The school attaches great importance to the basic ability of children learning, but also combines the characteristics of the ground, pay attention to the future facing the needs of internationalization, the continued development of "international education" as the core of school-based curriculum, uphold the professional thinking and action, Continued development. In the 105th school year, we began to experiment with school-based experimental schools, and we are looking forward to developing a new educational business opportunity for the school. Through this course, we will teach the international citizens who are proficient in international language and international literacy.